Tuesday, 1 February 2011

PMS and other thoughts...........

I get really bad PMS. Let's go there again - I get REALLY BAD PMS. There, that's more like it. This month I am going to try not to let it affect my family. My husband, Mr Wonderful, in particular, has copped it for the last two months. I am going to be accountable to this my blog (thank goodness I have no readers lol) and try to stay calm...CALM that is, and not snap, get grouchy, be horrible or unnecessarily rude, nasty or anything else that I often due around this time of the month. I have noticed that it is coming back, like it was years ago. Since we have been married I have been on hormonal contraception for 3 and a half years and pregnant and bf for 2 years, as I am getting back to normal I am noticing how bad it can get. Mr x husband dealt with it by telling me I had an anger problem, which he blamed for EVERYTHING, yes, looking back I can see it was bad, however, not the be all and end all for all that went wrong, what I am getting at here is that I don't want to be in the same boat again, yes, I can see what is happening, but I need to do something about it. I am lovely wife for 3 weeks of the month, and Mrs Angry/mad/shouting/sneering/add own word and its probably near the truth, for the other week. Something I have realised is that this behaviour is not me, I am lovely wife, but my behaviour is not for one week at a time. I need to do something, if I can't then I need to get some medical help. My skin is also suffering, the bad acne of the previous adult life is returning. This is not good. it is disgusting and at times makes me feel dirty, nasty, ugly and worthless. I am none of theese, however having acne is a sure way to set yourself apart from others. GOsh I sound like a whinger! I will stop now, wish me luck with the temper, I need it x

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